Friday, September 28, 2012

October 7th Memory Verse

 Say with your mouth,

“Jesus is Lord.”

Believe in your heart

that God raised him from the dead.

Then you will be saved.

-Romans 10:9

"I am a Christian" moves

I am a Christian

A Mighty Mighty Christian
(Repeat 3X)

I’ve got my shield of Faith

Righteous Breastplate

Sword of the Spirit
(swinging a sword)

My loins are covered by truth
(Buckling a belt)

 Helmet of Salvation

Got my Gospel Shoes on

Above All
(repeat 3X)

I’m dressed in the whole Armor of God!

Suggested Games

“Airplane, Airplane”
Think Ring-around-the rosies! Don’t hold hands, instead make and airplane… Here are the words (the kids know them!)
Airplane, Airplane, go so slow (fly slowly)
Airplane, Airplane, go so FAST (fly FAST)
Airplane, Airplane, run out of gas… (fall down)


Set up, play in, tare down the tents in the red cubbies. Be creative with them!
-Make a pretend campfire “outside” and read stories.
-Boys tent, Girls tent race to set them up fastest or put them away fastest.
- have a race up the stairs, down the slide in one tent, through the tube, out the other…
- etc.

If the weather is nice, take them outside! Have fun!
-See who can pump their legs and get highest on the swing.
-Have races (THEY LOOOOOVE racing!)
     -To the bench and back, to the fence and back, around the volleyball net, WHATEVER!
- Red Rover, Red Rover

Helmet of Salvation Small Group ?s

Helmet of Salvation Small Group Questions

Q. Did Jesus hurt the men in our story today?

Q. Did Jesus love the men in our story today?
A. Yes!

Q. Does Jesus love you?

Q. Does Jesus love you when your naughty?

Q. What is salvation?
A. Being saved

Q. What does it mean to be saved?
A. We get to go to heaven.

Q. Who saved us?
A. Jesus

Q. What do I have to do?
A. Say it and believe it!

Ask every child individually if they would like to say with their mouth and believe in their hearts and invite Jesus to come live in their heart. Pray a simple prayer like this one having them repeat after you:

“Father God, I believe that Jesus died on the cross and came back alive. I believe he wiped away my sin and forgives me. Jesus, please come live in my heart forever. I love you! In Jesus name, amen!

Attention Grabbers

Attention Grabbers

*I use these to get their attention to start a story and then again in the middle if you start loosing their attention. (#3 is great in the middle of the story!)

Say, “CLASS!” They’ll say, “YES” Say, CLASSY-CLASS” They’ll say, “YESSY-YES” whisper, “class” they’ll whisper “yes” You should have all of their attention by now!

Say, “Hands in the air, shake ‘em everywhere, really loud clap, down in your lap, bubbles in your cheeks, eyes on me!” By the time you get through it most of them will be paying attention and following along (Make sure you do the moves!)

Say, “everybody help me say SHHHHHHHHHH shhhhhhhhhhh….. Keep it going until they’re all quieted

Classroom Agenda October 7th 2012

October 7, 2012 Classroom Agenda
8:30          All teachers and helpers for todays service meet in the classroom to pray for class today!
8:45          Open the doors, here come the kids!
                  (A check-in, B & C organized games with kids- see suggested games on page 6 for ideas and instructions)
9:00          Breakfast- Discipleship is starting, you will have a few stragglers, but can go ahead and get started. Breakfast options (poptarts, granola bars, etc) are in the vault in the snack drawers in the NorthEast corner) A- check in stragglers, B- Pass out breakfast, C- Pass out water
9:15          A B & C Sit down with kids, you can all sit together or break into groups as they finish up breakfast. Here is a list of questions and conversation starters:
Q. How was your week?
Q. Are you in school? How is that going?
Q. What pieces of the Armor of God have you learned about so far
A. (The breastplate of righteousness, the sword of the Spirit, the Belt of Truth, the Sheild of faith.)
9:30          Free play. A B & C engage in playtime! Cook in the kitchen, play tag, or read a Bible story to a small group on the bleachers.
9:45          Discipleship is ending and the rest of the kids will be coming in
(A check-in, B & C organized games with kids- see suggested games on page 6 for ideas and instructions)
10:05        PRAY!:
A “EVERYBODY ON THE BLEACHERS!” (See pg. 4 for attention grabbers!) , B & C- round up all of the kids, separate problem children, and help keep noise at bay.
A-   “What’s the most important thing we can do to start class!?” Allow time for kids to answer (PRAY!)
“I don’t care if you sit down, stand up, kneel, bow, or lay
however you do it, lift your voice to the Lord and pray.” (the kids will get comfortable and pray quietly) Pray for class something along the lines of “Thank you Father God for the adventureland class today. I plead the blood of Jesus over every child and every adult in this classroom. I loose ministering and warring angels about this classroom and about this church to protect each of them. I ask you, Holy Spirit, for Your wisdom to bring forth Your Perfect plan for today. Thank you soooo much Lord for all you have for each of the children today. I thank you that they will each leave today with Your Word hidden in their hearts. In Jesus name EVERYONE SAYS…” (kids will shout AMEN!)
10:15-       Tithe and Offering!
B- grab the piggy bank from the vault (on the top in the NorthEast corner) “If anyone has tithe and offering you can go ahead and bring it to me now! Who would like to pray for the tithe and offering?Choose a child and lead them in prayer something like this, “Father God, we thank you for teaching us to give. We pray that this money would be multiplied in your kingdom and used for you. We love you Lord, In Jesus name Amen.”
10:20-       Praise and Worship!:
C- start the Love Out Loud DVD #6 A B & C- Dance, Sing, Encourage kids to get up off the bleachers and DANCE. DANCE BIG! (note: preschoolers are the least judgmental audience you’ll ever have, they’ll have as much fun as you represent, so HAVE FUN WITH IT!) Movements to this song are attached on page 7.
10:30-       Story Time:
A- “BACK TO THE BLEACHERS!!!!” (See pg. 6 for attention
grabbers!) , B & C- round up all of the kids, separate problem children, and help keep noise at bay.
A- “How many of you guys have heard about Jesus? (allow time to answer) Raise your hand if you have asked Jesus to come and live in your heart! I have too! That’s the BEST choice we can EVER make! Today we are going to read a story about Jesus. If you have your Bibles, look for page 451.          B & C- pass out extra Bibles (in the red cubbies) and help kids find the right page.
A-  read the story. …….. Did you guys hear that!? Jesus loved us so much that he DIED so that we can come to God! That reminds me of a verse in my Bible, turn to Romans 10:9, (The NIRV is easiest for the kids to understand, but the visual of YOU holding YOUR Bible is also important. Feel free to put a sticky note with the NIRV of the verse so you don’t get confused). In fact, it’s today’s memory verse!”
“MIRROR!”- (have all of the kids stand up and mimick you saying today’s memory verse with the motions found on page 8)
Continue having the children mirror doing the memory verse in different voices. Ex. Whisper, high pitched, super low, silly voices, etc.
“Good! I think you guys are going to memorize this verse pretty easily!
*Go through the small group questions all together.
Now, everybody stay seated until I count to 3 B- grab an usher for help in the boys restroom (If there is an usher in the fellowship hall you can ask them, if not enter the number 3000)& C keep kids seated! We are going to take a potty break, I want you to remember that this is your only chance today to go potty so everyone please try! And even if you don’t need to go, make sure you wash your hands, we will be having snack when you get back! 1….2….3!!”

11:00        Snack:
A-  Choose a snack from the snack shelves in the Northeast corner of the vault
B-  Pass out snack (nutty bars etc. give one to each child, no seconds… gold fish, cereal, etc. be available for refills)
C-   Pass out water (be available for refills)
Everyone stays at the tables until the entire class is done, getting up only to throw trash away. If you have a few dawdelers, remind them that they’re about out of time and encourage them to finish up quickly!  When everyone is finished, A- “Ok, everyone back on the bleachers!” (Use attention getters! Pg 6)
11:15        Craft:
A-  “Alright guys, let’s go ahead and split up into small groups!
B-  Upstairs (Grab a cup full of prizes from the vault!) with a list of questions for small groups (pg.9) Ask children a question helping them along the way. Give the easier yes/no type questions to the younger kids, and the harder questions for the older kids. Give them a prize. Ask each child if there is anyone/ anything they would like to pray for. Help them each to pray.  (You will probably finish before A, engage in conversation with the kids, allow them to tell stories, ask questions, etc. Keep the noise at bay so that A and C can still do their part!
C-   Downstairs- Hats Off Game: Have the kids sit against the wall. Place bowls (1 less than the number of kids) around the area. Ex: if there are 7 kids, use 6 bowls. When you say “go” have the kids run to get a bowl and put it on their head as a “helmet of salvation” whoever doesn’t get a bowl is out. Remove a bowl from play. Continue until you have a winner. (think musical chairs) You will undoubtedly finish before A and B, so play the game a few times, keeping noise at bay so as to not disturb the other groups.
A-  CRAFT!!! Give each child a bucket and glue stick pile the remaining supplies down the middle of the tables. Allow the kids to decorate their “helmet of salvation” however they’d like. Helping them with the details. Put a name tag with their name on the inside of each helmet!
11:30        ROTATE! A B & C stay where your at switch kids as you finish up
11:45        ROTATE again J Once you’re done have the kids sit quietly on the bleachers and wait for parents. Make sure they have anything they brought.
12:00-       A- Check out
B-  Keep kids quietly entertained on the bleachers
C-   Keep kids quietly entertained on the bleachers